Children and Young People’s Service

Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Milton Keynes

What is the Children and Young People’s Support After Crime Service?

Victims First's Children and Young People’s Support After Crime Service is provided by SAFE! and is available to children and young people aged 5 – 18 years old across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Milton Keynes.

The service works with young people affected by any crime. In particular, SAFE! has extensive experience in supporting young people who have witnessed or been a victim of domestic abuse and sexual violence.

Many young people have been hurt by crime, with under 18s twice as likely to be victims of crime as adults, and the effects can often lead to negative feelings and people struggling to cope with the impact of what they have experienced.

Have you:

If you answered yes to any of the above then the Children and Young People’s Service can help you.

What support do we offer?

Being hurt by a crime can be tough. You might be coping with difficult feelings such as being angry, frightened, upset or guilty. You might want someone to talk to who will not judge you.

SAFE! Project Workers will:

Our service offers a wide variety of support options including story-telling, play therapy, restorative approaches, therapeutic listening and group activities in addition to comprehensive digital support. It is up to you how much or how little support you want and you are free to stop support whenever you like.

Refer yourself or someone else to the service

To refer yourself to the Children and Young People’s Service, please contact Victims First on 0300 1234 148 or complete our Children and Young People's referral form

If you're a parent, guardian or professional looking to refer a child or young person for support, please complete our Children and Young People's referral form

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